I am Ville Karavirta, currently (since march 2015) living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I'm a senior full stack developer at Booking.com.
I am a graduate from Helsinki University of Technology with a PhD in Software Systems and a minor in the Computer and Information Science. I've worked in the Learning+Technology Group at Aalto University and in the ViLLE team at University of Turku. I was also co-founder of a Finnish start-up company, By The Mark Corp., that "provides services that help people learn, teach, and assess computer programming skills." I occasionally work on mobile apps at Mobile IceCube.
I love web technologies! I like fiddling with the latest technologies, while still focusing on what's best for the user, no matter which browser they have (to a limit, though; no IE6 support from me). In my past projects, I've researched tools for mobile devices to support computer science education, especially focusing on interactive online materials with smart, automated feedback.
Interested in the software I've worked on? Do check my projects :)
For a list of publications, see the Publications page.
If you would like to contact me please email ville@villekaravirta.com. I also have a fairly inactive account on Twitter, and a graveyard of past projects on GitHub.